Results for 'Peter F. Kramml'

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  1. (3 other versions)Perception and its objects.Peter F. Strawson - 1979 - In A. J. Ayer & Graham Macdonald (eds.), Perception and identity: essays presented to A. J. Ayer, with his replies. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
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    Greek philosophical terms.F. E. Peters - 1967 - New York,: New York University Press.
  3. (1 other version)Entity and identity.Peter F. Strawson - 1976 - In H. D. Lewis (ed.), Contemporary British Philosophy, Fourth Series. George Allen and Unwin. pp. 21-51.
  4. (2 other versions)Persons.Peter F. Strawson - 1958 - Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science 2:330-53.
  5. Causation and explanation.Peter F. Strawson - 1985 - In Bruce Vermazen & Merrill B. Hintikka (eds.), Essays on Davidson: actions and events. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 115--35.
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    Motor control of serial ordering of speech.Peter F. MacNeilage - 1970 - Psychological Review 77 (3):182-196.
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    Comments on Some Aspects of Peter Unger's Identity, Consciousness and Value.Peter F. Strawson - 1992 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 52 (1):145-148.
    I expressed agreement with Unger's view of the essential\nnature of personal identity, but dissented from what I took\nto be his view of the value we attach to its preservation;\nsaying, for example, that, in common, I think with many\nothers, I would prefer being replaced or succeeded' by a\nnumerically distinct continuator' with "qualitatively"\nidentical memories and mental and physical characteristics\nto surviving as the "numerically" identical person with\nsevere impairment of memory and abilities.
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    Genome Editing and Human Reproduction: The Therapeutic Fallacy and the "Most Unusual Case".Peter F. R. Mills - 2020 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 63 (1):126-140.
    Among the objections to the implementation of what I will call "genome editing in human reproduction" is that it does not address any unmet medical need, and therefore fails to meet an important criterion for introducing an unproven procedure with potentially adverse consequences. To be clear: what I mean by GEHR is the use of any one of a number of related biological techniques, such as the CRISPR-Cas9 system, deliberately to modify a functional sequence of DNA in a cell of (...)
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  9. Reply to Paul Snowdon.Peter F. Strawson - 1995 - In P. F. Strawson, Pranab Kumar Sen & Roop Rekha Verma (eds.), The Philosophy of P.F. Strawson. Bombay: Allied Publishers.
  10. Hannah Arendt.Peter F. Cannavo - 2014 - In Peter F. Cannavò & Joseph H. Lane (eds.), Engaging nature: environmentalism and the political theory canon. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
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  11. Individuals: An Essay in Descriptive Metaphysics.Peter F. Strawson - 1959 - London, England: Routledge. Edited by Wenfang Wang.
    The classic, influential essay in 'descriptive metaphysics' by the distinguished English philosopher.
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  12. The frame/content theory of evolution of speech production.Peter F. MacNeilage - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (4):499-511.
    The species-specific organizational property of speech is a continual mouth open-close alternation, the two phases of which are subject to continual articulatory modulation. The cycle constitutes the syllable, and the open and closed phases are segments framescontent displays that are prominent in many nonhuman primates. The new role of Broca's area and its surround in human vocal communication may have derived from its evolutionary history as the main cortical center for the control of ingestive processes. The frame and content components (...)
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  13. The role of awareness in Pavlovian conditioning: Empirical evidence and theoretical implications.Peter F. Lovibond & David R. Shanks - 2002 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 28 (1):3-26.
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    Primate handedness: A foot in the door.Peter F. MacNeilage, Michael G. Studdert-Kennedy & Bjorn Lindblom - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (4):737-746.
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    Structure and function in sequence learning Evidence from experimental, neuropsychological.Peter F. Dominey - 2003 - In Luis Jiménez (ed.), Attention and Implicit Learning. John Benjamins. pp. 48--143.
  16. (3 other versions)On referring.Peter F. Strawson - 1950 - Mind 59 (235):320-344.
  17. Jotham Johnson, 1905-1967.F. E. Peters - 1967 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 60 (7):282.
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    Zur Kritik des literarischen Gebrauchswerts: e. literaturphilos. Unters.Peter F. Schütze - 1975 - Neuwied: Luchterhand.
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  19. Direct singular reference.Peter F. Strawson - 1986 - In Ludwig Nagl & Richard Heinrich (eds.), Wo steht die analytische Philosophie heute? Wien: R. Oldenbourg.
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  20. Semantyka, logika i ontologia.Peter F. Strawson - 1987 - Studia Filozoficzne 264 (11).
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  21. The Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle.F. H. Peters - 1881 - Mind 6 (23):433-435.
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  22. Symposium: Logical Subjects and Physical Objects.Peter F. Strawson - 1956 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 17:441.
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  23. Aristotle and the Arabs, the Aristotelian Tradition in Islam.F. E. PETERS - 1968 - University Press.
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    Ethical Challenges Posed by the Ebola Virus Epidemic in West Africa.Peter F. Omonzejele - 2014 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (4):417-420.
    This paper examines how people in West Africa are reacting to the Ebola virus disease, an epidemic presently prevalent in the region. Certain lifestyle changes are suggested. Additionally, the heart of the paper focuses on the request by governments to be allowed access to experimental drugs, such as Zmapp and TKM-Ebola, for their infected populations. The author argues that granting such a request would circumvent research ethics procedures, which could potentially constitute significant risk to users of the drugs. The Pfizer (...)
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    Primate handedness reconsidered.Peter F. MacNeilage, Michael G. Studdert-Kennedy & Bjorn Lindblom - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (2):247-263.
  26. Must the acting person have a single ultimate end?Peter F. Ryan - 2001 - Gregorianum 82 (2):325-356.
    Thomas d'Aquin pense que tout homme dirige nécessairement toutes ses actions vers une fin ultime unique. L'article rejette cette position et son présupposé que tout homme cherche nécessairement une béatitude parfaite qui ne laisse rien à désirer. L'article affirme au contraire que les hommes agissent souvent de façon simultanée en vue de plus d'une fin dernière. Ceux qui pèchent mortellement le font en commettant des actions gravement mauvaises, tout en croyant et espérant en Dieu. Ceux qui vivent dans la grace (...)
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  27. Intention and convention in speech acts.Peter F. Strawson - 1964 - Philosophical Review 73 (4):439-460.
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    Vulnerability and non-domination: a republican perspective on natural limits.Peter F. Cannavò - 2021 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 24 (5):693-709.
  29. Analysis and metaphysics: an introduction to philosophy.Peter F. Strawson - 1992 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    All developed human beings possess a practical mastery of a vast range of concepts, including such basic structural notions as those of identity, truth, existence, material objects, mental states, space, and time; but a practical mastery does not entail theoretical understanding. It is that understanding which philosophy seeks to achieve. In this book, one of the most distinguished of living philosophers, assuming no previous knowledge of the subject on the part of the reader, sets out to explain and illustrate a (...)
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  30. Limits and liberty in the Anthropocene.Peter F. Cannavò - 2019 - In Christopher J. Orr & Kaitlin Kish (eds.), Liberty and the Ecological Crisis: Freedom on a Finite Planet. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    The social and educational thought of Harold Rugg.Peter F. Carbone - 1977 - Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.
    A revision of the author's thesis, Harvard University, 1967.
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    (1 other version)Aspects of descriptive, referential, and information structure in phrasal semantics.Peter F. Dominey - 2005 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 6 (2):287-310.
    Phrasal semantics is concerned with how the meaning of a sentence is composed both from the meaning of the constituent words, and from extra meaning contained within the structural organization of the sentence itself. In this context, grammatical constructions correspond to form-meaning mappings that essentially capture this “extra” meaning and allow its representation. The current research examines how a computational model of language processing based on a construction grammar approach can account for aspects of descriptive, referential and information content of (...)
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    What Do Engineers Want? Work Values, Job Rewards, and Job Satisfaction.Peter F. Meiksins & James M. Watson - 1991 - Science, Technology and Human Values 16 (2):140-172.
    This article reexamines the classical distinction between professional and organizational work orientations for the case of engineers. Based on data from a survey questionnaire mailed to a sample of 800 engineers in the Rochester, New York, area in 1986, it argues that the two orientations are not opposites. Instead, it is possible to score high on measures of both orientations, or to score low on both. The result is a more complex, fourfold typology of engineers' work orientations. This fourfold typology (...)
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    1. on referring.Peter F. Strawson - 2013 - In Maite Ezcurdia & Robert J. Stainton (eds.), The Semantics-Pragmatics Boundary in Philosophy. Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press. pp. 1.
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  35. Introduction to the Symposium on Rationality and Commitment (vol 21, pg 1, 2005).F. Peter & H. B. Schmid - 2005 - Economics and Philosophy 21 (2).
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  36. How can the beatific vision both fulfill human nature and be utterly gratuitous?Peter F. Ryan - 2002 - Gregorianum 83 (4):717-755.
    Dans cet article, l'A. nous propose une solution à un vexant problème théologique, à savoir la façon dont la vision béatifique complète la nature humaine tout en demeurant un don au delà du don divin qui est notre être naturel. En se penchant sur l'oeuvre de Thomas d'Aquin, Ryan encadre d'abord le problème. Ensuite il étudie l'émergence de la théorie dite de «pure nature» comme réponse à Baius, lequel affirmait qu'avant la chute d'Adam la vision béatifique n'était que le complément, (...)
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  37. Poznanie i prawda.Peter F. Strawson - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 284 (7-8).
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  38. Self, mind, and body.Peter F. Strawson - 1974 - In Peter Frederick Strawson (ed.), Freedom and Resentment and Other Essays. London, England: Routledge.
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    (2 other versions)The Frame/Content theory of evolution of speech.Peter F. MacNeilage & Barbara L. Davis - 2005 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 6 (2):173-199.
    The Frame/Content theory deals with how and why the first language evolved the present-day speech mode of programming syllable “Frame” structures with segmental “Content” elements. The first words are considered, for biomechanical reasons, to have had the simple syllable frame structures of pre-speech babbling, and were perhaps parental terms, generated within the parent–infant dyad. Although all gestural origins theories have iconicity as a plausible alternative hypothesis for the origin of the meaning-signal link for words, they all share the problems of (...)
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    A Moral Insight into the Culture of Baby Farming and Harvesting for Ritual Sacrifices in Nigeria.Peter F. Omonzejele - 2020 - Culture and Dialogue 8 (1):166-176.
    Human ritual sacrifices are one of the cultural practices that are undertaken in Nigeria and in many West African countries. While such ritual sacrifices are utilized for different purposes, this paper, however, focuses on baby farming for the purpose of human child ritual sacrifice for community and individual utilizations. Recruiting women for the sole purpose of using them for procreation is exploitative as such young women are usually in dire economic situations. Baby farmers identify the economic vulnerabilities of such women (...)
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    Preserving Bodily Integrity of Deceased Patients From the Novel SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic in West Africa.Peter F. Omonzejele - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):681-685.
    The outbreak of the novel coronavirus pandemic, otherwise known as COVID-19 brought about the use of new terminologies—new lexical items such as social distancing, self-isolation, and lockdown. In developed countries, basic social amenities to support these are taken for granted; this is not the case in West African countries. Instead, those suggested safeguards against contracting COVID-19 have exposed the infrastructural deficit in West African countries. In addition, and more profoundly, these safeguards against the disease have distorted the traditional community-individuality balance. (...)
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  42. Carnap’s Views on Conceptual Systems versus Natural Languages in Analytic Philosophy.Peter F. Strawson - 1963 - In Paul Arthur Schilpp (ed.), The philosophy of Rudolf Carnap. La Salle, Ill.,: Open Court. pp. 503--518.
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    Engaging nature: environmentalism and the political theory canon.Peter F. Cannavò & Joseph H. Lane (eds.) - 2014 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Essays that put noted political thinkers of the past—including Plato, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Wollstonecraft, Marx, and Confucius—in dialogue with current environmental political theory. Contemporary environmental political theory considers the implications of the environmental crisis for such political concepts as rights, citizenship, justice, democracy, the state, race, class, and gender. As the field has matured, scholars have begun to explore connections between Green Theory and such canonical political thinkers as Plato, Machiavelli, Locke, and Marx. The essays in this volume put important figures (...)
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  44. Imagination and perception.Peter F. Strawson - 1982 - In Ralph Charles Sutherland Walker (ed.), Kant on Pure Reason. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The Half-Cultivated Citizen: Thoreau at the Nexus of Republicanism and Environmentalism.Peter F. Cannavò - 2012 - Environmental Values 21 (2):101-124.
    Henry David Thoreau, though often characterised as individualist or apolitical, is in fact an important link between Jeffersonian agrarian republicanism and environmentalism. Like the Jeffersonians, Thoreau espouses a political economy of citizenship, criticises modern capitalism, and celebrates simplicity and personal independence. However, Thoreau rejects the Jeffersonians' focus on conquest of the wilderness and economic industriousness, both of which were meant to promote virtue. Thoreau advocates preservation of wild nature as essential for cultivating virtue and regards nature as a community deserving (...)
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    Why are phobias irrational?Peter F. Lovibond, David A. T. Siddle & Nigel W. Bond - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (2):303-303.
    We endorse Davey's view that expectancy processes are intimately involved in fear reactions, but question his model on three grounds. First, the mechanism for generating expectancy bias to both ontogenetic and phylogenetic stimuli is not spelled out. Second, the selective association component is unnecessary. Third, the model fails to provide a clear explanation for the irrationality of phobic reactions.
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    Baby talk and the emergence of first words.Peter F. MacNeilage & Barbara L. Davis - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (4):517-518.
    Words denoting “mother” in baby talk and in languages usually include nasal sounds, supporting Falk's suggestion that infant nasalized demand vocalizations might have motivated a first word. The linguistic contrast between maternal terms and paternal terms, which favor oral consonants, and the simple phonetic patterns of parental terms in both baby talk and languages also suggest parental terms could have been first words.
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    Evolutionary Sleight of hand: Then, they saw it; now we don't.Peter F. MacNeilage & Barbara L. Davis - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):137-138.
    Arbib's gestural-origins theory does not tell us why or how a subsequent switch to vocal language occurred, and shows no systematic concern with the signalling affordances or constraints of either medium. Our frame/content theory, in contrast, offers both a vocal origin in the invention of kinship terms in a baby-talk context and an explanation for the structure of the currently favored medium.
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    Mouth to hand and back again? Could language have made those journeys?Peter F. MacNeilage - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (2):233-234.
    Corballis argues that language underwent two modality switches – from vocal to manual, then back to vocal. Speech has evolved a frame/content mode of organization whereby consonants and vowels (content) are placed into a syllable structure of frames (MacNeilage 1998). No homologue to this mode is present in sign language, raising doubt as to whether the proposed modality switches could have occurred.
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    Primate predatory, postural, and prehensile proclivities and professional peer pressures: Postscripts.Peter F. MacNeilage, Michael G. Studdert-Kennedy & Bjorn Lindblom - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (2):289-303.
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